
Monday, September 4, 2017

Horse Saddle Barstools

Oh my goodness!  It has been way too long since I posted one of my projects!  I'm hoping to get back on track and share all of the awesome things going on in my life.  It's been a crazy but GREAT year, and I will be writing all about it soon.
Today, I'm sharing a custom project I just finished up for one of my clients.  They brought me two saddles that their now grown sons used when they were small boys.  The idea was to create bar stools for the saddles to rest on.  

I decided to use half round logs for the saddles to fit nicely over.  Then I created two pedestal style legs for each stool.  These stools are STURDY!  
I started by making a custom cut list, and then went ahead and cut all my pieces.  I decided to angle all of my edges for a nice transition from one piece to the other.  I love how it turned out!

These stools are so fun and will be a great way to display the saddles that made so many memories years ago.

I couldn't post these stools with out a little model to show you how they work.  Scarlett was perfect for the job!  Several times while I was in the process of building and finishing these, she had to test them out.  She would say, "Scarlett's turn!" "horsee".  

Well, as always, thank you for reading and come back soon for my next post!  I have a lot to share!


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